Week 1 - Path to Learning to Teach Social Studies

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First Week of Class...

Throughout the first week of Social Studies Methods, we got a basic introduction to the class. As a class, we were able to understand what some of the requirements were for this course and discuss different ways we will be learning how to teach social studies in our future classrooms. Additionally, I was able to join a breakout room with my group members and get to know everyone a little bit more. Some of my group members for this class were in my Language Arts Methods class. 
So, I am very happy to be working with them again! My group members are: Kayleigh, Madison, Maddie, and Brianna. Overall, I am looking forward to learning new ideas and concepts in this class to better my knowledge in social studies!

I have never used blogger before. So, I am interested and will be learning along the way! 

This week: January 24th, 2022 - January 28, 2022...
-  Learner Profile
-  Needs Assessment Survey 
-  Learning Contract
-  Collaborative Group Agreement 
-  Consent Form Signature
-  Pre-Course Assessment 
-  Syllabus Quiz 

Each of the tasks and assignments listed above are preparing us to understand our focus for this semester in Social Studies Methods. 

To conclude, during the first week of this class I spent a lot of time trying to navigate my way through the class page so I could easily access any assignments, understand tasks, use the forums, and more. 

- I really like the idea of having a forum(s) for us to use in order to ask questions and potentially answer some that another classmate had asked. I feel this is a very helpful way to communicate with one another during this class. 

- I read through the tab labeled, "How to Start The Course" and followed the steps listed.

- Also, I discovered the online checklists that Dr. Smirnova has provided for us one class and found that to be a very helpful and useful tool for this class going forward. 

Here is an example of the checklist: 

I am looking forward to learning about how to teach social studies in my future classroom!

Why is it Important to Follow Email Etiquette?

Using your email is a very important part of everyday life and it is a very useful tool in order to communicate with others. Especially, following email etiquette is important when communicating with your teacher.

 Email Etiquette is a basic set of rules to follow when preparing to send a email to your teacher:
  -  include the email address
  -  include a topic in the subject line
  -  use phrases like: "Good Morning Mrs..."
  -  always use an ending such as: "Thank you, Mikaela"

This is important to use to show whoever you are emailing that you are capable of properly communicating with technology. Using beginning phrases and endings will also show a sign of respect. Also, this is important to teach students as they will use this etiquette for many other emails than school related messages. 


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