Week 3

February 7, 2022 - February 11, 2022

Food for Thought Poster Response:
What comes to my mind when looking at this poster, is the difference between teachers and technology and, students and technology. In this day and age, educators are still learning how to properly use technology in classrooms, and make sure it is effective for all students. On the other hand, students have been growing up with technology and phones/computers at their fingertips, where they explore new ideas on a screen. In a traditional classroom setting, it is expected to still be able to read and write using a pen and paper. So, the teacher in this poster is expecting her students to write a paper explaining what they did this summer. The student in this poster is perfectly displaying how young children feel about technology and social media. Social media is most commonly used to update people on what is happening in one's life. Additionally, I feel like this shows how much children rely and use social media. Lastly, it is almost as if the teacher’s expression shows her frustration with her students' use of technology. I also feel as if technology will become more and more present in classrooms as time goes on.

Explore P1 

Chapters 1, 2, + 3

What is and Why teach Social studies? What can make the concepts of social studies "alive" and interesting for students? (ch1)

  • What? Social studies is defined as an integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. 

  • Why? Teaching social studies will help students retain knowledge about the world around them and understand the world’s past history of what helped our country get to where it is today. Students will also learn to make decisions that could benefit themselves and their communities. 

Social Studies involves the practice of civic engagement, geography, economics, and the world’s past history.

What made social studies the way it is from the historical perspective? (ch. 2)

  • Social studies should be well understood by educators in order to teach their students. As stated in the textbook, the educational reform and movement towards new standards played a role in how social studies is taught, which made social studies the way it is today. Many different changes occurred such as teaching moved to large group instruction and more training for teachers. 

What are the pros and cons of Standards? How can standards (SS Frameworks) help teachers and YOU in unit and lesson plans' design? (ch2)

Pro: Each subject has their own standards that target different practices. (ex: English Language Arts standards include areas of learning such as reading, writing, and speaking)

Pro: Teachers are able to integrate the standards into their lesson plans based on the knowledge of their students

Con: Some teachers say that The Common Core standards can take away from the schools’ curriculum

Con: Standards can overwhelm educators by feeling pressure to meet each objective

The standards of education provide teachers with a set of guidelines that are designed to explain what students should be learning. Some examples of these standards are: subject matter standards, state standards, federal standards, and the Common Core State Standards. 

How can teachers prove the positive and/or negative outcomes of curriculum integration? Provide examples from the textbook, ch. 2 

  • Curriculum integration is when meaningful connections are made between different subject areas. In the textbook, there are some ways listed on how to apply the ideas of integration. Teachers can prove this to be a positive outcome by allowing students to work together. Working in groups stimulates communication skills and new ideas come together. On a negative note, some students might work better independently and may prefer to work separately from their classmates. When integrating the curriculum, teachers should be applying teaching strategies that are effective and meaningful. An example would be; using technology to engage students in a lesson. Overall, an integrated curriculum can lead to greater outcomes for the success of students and teachers. 

Explore P2a

What is the difference between  the terms "models," "strategies," and "methods?"  How are they the same and how are they different? 

- Models are used to present instruction and are approaches to teaching, (philosophical). 
- Strategies determine what approach a teacher might take in order to achieve a task. (direct, indirect, interactive, experiential, or independent).
- Methods are the most straightforward way to create a positive learning environment. Methods of teaching often include demonstrations and modeling. There is a common educational goal between the teacher and the student.

Models, strategies, and methods are very similar in that they both are put into action to educate students. But, using methods is a process of getting a task done while strategies includes a set of procedures leading to a goal. Models on the other hand are the stepping stones in which help a learner in their knowledge development.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's taxonomy is a set of models that are used to classify learning into different levels of complexity. 

designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making
checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring
comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating 
implementing, carrying out, using, executing 
interpreting, exemplifying, summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining
recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding 

Why do you think it is important for teachers to know the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy? 
     -   It is important for teachers to understand Bloom's Taxonomy because his ideas will allow educators to plan according to their students abilities in the classroom. The use of a multi-tier guide will help students/teachers set goals for skills to master and then learn new topics.

I took the Bloom's Taxonomy quiz, and applied these verbs with each questions asked. In my opinion, this quiz was not super easy, but not super hard. A lot of the questions had similar ideas and the verbs are also very similar. After completing this quiz, I believe that incorporating Bloom's Taxonomy in the classroom is very important as it can help a teacher to determine how students should be solving a math problem or a reading question. Additionally, students will be tested to see what improvements need to be made and how an educator can use different methods to help students master a skill.

February 8, 2022

- Today in class, we finished up some introduction presentations, completed an about me activity, joined breakout rooms to discuss and create slides on digital citizenship, and started to learn a little about social studies!

My About Me Doc

Digital Citizenship

Article provided in class:

Digital Citizenship Article

The graphic below is a great representation to show different grade levels and their interaction with technology:

With the amount of technology and social media use in the current and upcoming generation, schools/educators are discovering new ways to incorporate digital learning. There are many, many different online resources for teachers to use such as...

- Kahoot

- Blogger 

- Prezi 

    Our Slides



Click the link below to view my group and I's google slides from our class today!

My group members: Madison R, Kayleigh, Madison B, and Maria

February 10, 2022

During our class today, Dr. Smirnova introduced to us many different teaching methods, strategies, and elements. As the discussion went on, I kept thinking of my elementary school teachers and how they ran their classrooms. Although all of them were different, each of their methods were all effective! Additionally, we learned how important knowledge is and what it really means to be knowledgable.

Knowledge: retaining information through experience and sharing it with others!

Powerful Elements of Teaching:

 1. Meaningful

 2. Integrative

 3. Value-Based

 4. Challenging

 5. Active

Models of Teaching:

1. Behavioral

2. Informational

3. Social 

4. Personal (children developing skills and knowledge)

5. Experiential (learning by doing)

Strategies (set of procedures):

1. Indirect/individual

2. Indirect/interactive

3. Indirect/cognitive 

Methods (how to teach):


1. Demonstration (physical action)

2. Modeling (showing the thinking process)

Another method of direct teaching is: lectures.


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