Jigsaw Project Reflection

Jigsaw Project Reflection....

My group was assigned to create a Google Slide Presentation on Individual Accountability.  


During this project, we were placed into different groups and was able to meet new people to complete the task! Each group was assigned an element of the Social Interactive Model to discover the meaning and create a slideshow/google form. Then, we went back to our base groups and acted as an “expert,” to share our discoveries.

My group members and I were able to work together pretty well! We divided and conquered then we went through and read our presentation with one another and were able to make changes if necessary. The only negative part about this jigsaw project was being virtual. I find that using breakout rooms and working on a group project in breakout rooms is often times very hard. I ran into issues such as delays, wifi issues, and not being able to hear what my group members were saying. Besides dealing with some technology issues, I enjoyed this project as it was different from how we normally perform tasks in this course.

Here's an example of some information my group members and I put together in our presentation:

How Students can Represent Individual Accountability

  1. Bring new ideas to the group work

  2. Make sure to be prepared and have knowledge about the topic being discussed

  3. Recognize your own mistakes and openly discuss them

  4. Don’t “piggyback” off of another group members work

  5. Set clear expectations of each group member

  6. Teachers can keep group work groups small because it allows each group member to take part. 

    Example: teachers can give individual assignments to test the knowledge of the topic of the student to then get into groups and present their knowledge.


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