Week 6

 It's time for fieldwork!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022....

Groups 1 - 5 created ice breaker activities for the students. The ice breaker helped us to get to know the fourth graders we will be working with. I believe that all of the students had fun participating in all of the different activities! 

The ice breaker activities were very repetitive and slow but here's an example of my group's ice breaker. I made the card activity for my group and it consisted of 10 unique questions to ask the students. I was also the leader of asking the questions and flipping the cards. Students shared their answers in the chat! My group members and I commented on the responses we got. 

I tried to be as enthusiastic and engaging as I could with the students. But, once I shared my screen on Google Meet, I could not see the students. I could only see the card activity, which made it very difficult to continue. Thankfully, I had Madison with me so I could look on her computer to view the fourth graders responses. My group members were the ones who provided feedback/comments to the students responses to our ice breaker activity. Dr. Smirnova mentioned to our class at the end that she could only see my lips while presenting. I was not aware of that while presenting because I did not have control over my camera once I began the activity. I am also not sure if this was a wifi issue or not. : (


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