Group 1 Reflection - Fieldwork


 Group 1 Reflection 

school buddies

This week was the first week of virtual fieldwork with the 4th graders at Bishop Dunn Elementary School. Group 1 taught their three lessons and as a teacher candidate, I observed through Google Meet. The first lesson was direct instruction. The teachers first addressed the students by calling them "explorers," and I think this was a good way to create excitement for the students to engage in the lesson. To introduce the topic, students watched a video and answered some questions. Early into the lesson, there was a brain break. Personally, I thought it was too early as the students did not learn much yet. So, I learned that brain breaks should take place in the middle of the lesson. Moving onto day two, the indirect/cooperative lesson. Teachers used their Google slideshow to create a review for the students and they interacted through PearDeck. PearDeck is a great tool of technology! Students were then given a time limit to complete a task. Another thing I learned from observing is that students feed off of the teacher's energy and body language. The more enthusiastic a teacher is, the more the student will be focused and willing to learn! Group 1 did a good job of meeting the requirements of cooperative learning. Lastly, day three: indirect/inquiry instruction. I think it was a good idea for teachers to state their rules/expectations while on Google Meet when first logging on. Students were able to complete tasks together and complete the objective of writing a letter to Congress. 

Overall, it was great to learn from group 1's first time teaching. This is a learning experience for all of us teacher candidates but I believe through experience and helpful feedback, we can all learn going forward as a future educator! Lastly, I realized how difficult online learning can be and that in-person learning definitely benefits a student more than virtual. Teachers too!

Group 1 Members:

Maria, Kayla, Danielle, Allison, Mary


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