Group 2 Reflection - Fieldwork


 Group 2 Reflection 

laptop reading

Time for Group 2 to teach their lessons at Bishop Dunn! The Direct Instruction lesson started with teachers introducing themselves to the fourth graders and they each shared a fun fact about themselves. One aspect I thought was cool, was that the teachers included a call back for students to use. Teachers asked students questions about explorers to assess their knowledge with the use of chat and PearDeck. After learning about Lewis and Clark for a little bit, there was a brain break. At the end of the first lesson, there was a kahoot to test their knowledge on what they have learned. I thought that all of the teachers were very enthusiastic throughout the whole lesson and the students definitely took notice to that too! On day 2: indirect/cooperative instruction, teachers started off by re-introducing themselves. I thought that was very smart considering that students are learning online and might not have remembered every teacher candidate they were working with. Students were told that they were going to be creating a packing list as if they were going on an adventure with Lewis and Clark. Teachers had already pre-selected groups for students, but ran into some technology difficulties. The google meet links for their breakout rooms were not working. Throughout the time it took to figure everything out, the teachers remained very enthusiastic and positive, that is very important! If the fieldwork was in person, students could have easily went in groups by sorting desks or something along those lines! But, I give the teachers a lot of credit for situating their lesson through online difficulties. 

Overall, group 2 did a great job as their lessons met requirements, all teachers engaged the students, and they displayed great teamwork. It was great to learn from another fieldwork group.

Group 2 Members:

Kelly, Francesca, Lia, Britney, Ashley


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