Group 3 Reflection - Fieldwork


Group 3 Reflection

 hand pointer

Time for group 3 to teach their lesson to the Bishop Dunn 4th graders! Their lesson started off with introductions about themselves and the teachers asked the students if they knew anything about their topic: The Texas Revolution. For example, asking them if they knew some vocabulary words such as, revolution. I enjoyed the teachers introductions and liked how the beginning of their lesson got the students thinking what the lesson could be about. For group work, the teachers pre-selected groups for students to complete the task with directions given, and teachers observed the groups. Group work demonstrated social skills and it seemed to have went well. While watching informational videos and listening to the teachers explain about the Texas Revolution, students were responsible to take their own notes. At the end of the lesson, students presented their work and did a great job! I enjoy seeing their work and hearing what they have to say. There were a lot of videos incorporated into this lesson, I am curious if the students enjoyed that or would have preferred longer group work or more of the teachers speaking?

Group 3 Members:

Marilena, Kate H, Kate B, Erin, Alexis


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