Group 4 Reflection - Fieldwork


Group 4 Reflection


Time for group 4 to teach their lesson! Most of the teachers were in person, in the classroom at Bishop Dunn. To start, the teachers introduced themselves and stated their favorite ice cream flavor. To pre-assess the students, teachers asked students questions and related back to previous lessons. I thought this was helpful because it can refresh students memory! For the group work, teachers demonstrated cooperative learning by assigning roles for each group member. Teachers also noted that they will need to pay attention to their group members so they can evaluate them at the end. I could not view the group activity, but the teachers did provide time for student presentations. I wish I was aware of the group activity topic/idea but I did enjoy seeing the students work and present! Good job group 4. 

Group 4 Members:

Olivia, Todd, Sami, Valerie, Arriana


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