Week 9 + 10

 Week 9 + 10
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My thoughts on the paintings...

I have never seen these paintings before! But, I am guessing they represent important moments in history, or traditions. Such as the dinner table painting and how it is important to spend time with family. Also, the first painting where the people are admiring the man standing up, that could represent that he did something that took a lot of courage. 

Explore/Elaborate: Making History Alive

Explore: Teaching With Primary Sources

This video contains an abundance of information on how to teach with primary sources and I will definitely be bookmarking this for my future use. I think primary sources have a lot to offer when teaching social studies to young children.


I really enjoyed the Artifact Bag Project and I think it is a great assignment to incorporate into my future classroom. This is a great way to teach history hands-on and engaging as students will be curious as to, "what's in the bag?" 


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