
Showing posts from March, 2022

Week 8

Teaching Geography  Engage: HUG THE EARTH Walking along feeling free  Feeling the Earth here with me  And I love her. She loves me  I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.  She's our friend,  We'd like to be together forever.  The Earth is our garden  It's a beautiful place  For all living creatures  For all the human race,  Helping Mother Earth  We can peacefully roam,  We all deserve a place  We can call our home.  Food is a treasure from soil and the sea.  Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees  The warmth of the sun giving life each day  Turns water into rain, it’s nature's way.  And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth,  I like to see you dressed in green and blue   I want to be by you. Lorraine Bayes My Thoughts: This poem is very moving and makes you realize what a beautiful world we live in! Despite the negative aspects, there are so many things to be grateful for on this Earth. " And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth,  I like to see you dressed

Spring Break!


Week 6

 It's time for fieldwork! Tuesday, March 1, 2022.... Groups 1 - 5 created ice breaker activities for the students. The ice breaker helped us to get to know the fourth graders we will be working with. I believe that all of the students had fun participating in all of the different activities!  The ice breaker activities were very repetitive and slow but here's an example of my group's ice breaker. I made the card activity for my group and it consisted of 10 unique questions to ask the students. I was also the leader of asking the questions and flipping the cards. Students shared their answers in the chat! My group members and I commented on the responses we got.  I tried to be as enthusiastic and engaging as I could with the students. But, once I shared my screen on Google Meet, I could not see the students. I could only see the card activity, which made it very difficult to continue. Thankfully, I had Madison with me so I could look on her computer to view the fourth grader

Jigsaw Project Reflection

Jigsaw Project Reflection.... My group was assigned to create a Google Slide Presentation on Individual Accountability.        During this project, we were placed into different groups and was able to meet new people to complete the task! Each group was assigned an element of the Social Interactive Model to discover the meaning and create a slideshow/google form. Then, we went back to our base groups and acted as an “expert,” to share our discoveries. My group members and I were able to work together pretty well! We divided and conquered then we went through and read our presentation with one another and were able to make changes if necessary. The only negative part about this jigsaw project was being virtual. I find that using breakout rooms and working on a group project in breakout rooms is often times very hard. I ran into issues such as delays, wifi issues, and not being able to hear what my group members were saying. Besides dealing with some technology issues, I enjoyed this pro

Reflecting on the Midterm Bingo Project

  Now that we are halfway through the semester, I can definitely say that I have learned a lot during my time in Social Studies Methods! For my project, I created a Google Slideshow and touched on each topic we have explored. Also, I used Canva to create a flyer and FlipGrid to make a summary video. This project allowed me to use a different platform that I don't typically use: Canva. I created a flyer on the different types of rubrics and incorporated that onto my Google Slideshow. Additionally, while working on this project, I was able to refresh my memory on each topic I have learned throughout this class so far!

Week 5

  Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning What do you think each of the PIGS elements means?     - Before discovering what each of these elements mean, I believe that... Positive Interdependence  can be when student(s) share knowledge and help each other reach goals in the classroom. Individual Accountability  is when each group member works independently on a single part of a group project, then comes together and share their findings to contribute to the project. Group Processing could be evaluating group members and how well they are working together on a certain task. Social Skills is when students display the proper and appropriate skills needed to work efficiently in a group setting. Why is implementing the Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning important? Implementing the Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning is important because this allows teachers to place students in a position where they can learn to efficiently work together and depend on each other