I can't believe it's the end of the spring semester already! We had our last class on Thursday, May 5th, 2022. Although I did feel overwhelmed sometimes during this class, I learned so much more than I thought I would and Dr. Smirnova pushed us to reach our best potential, I am grateful for that. I really love the idea of blogging as it allowed me to go back and see what I have learned during the semester. Each week as I sat down to make my blog post, I was able to summarize what I have learned that week. The blog is something I will keep forever, look back on, and potentially use for my future students one day. I'd love to create a blog where parents can keep up with student progress as well! I enjoyed working with my fieldwork group on various different projects this semester as well. (Myself, Maddie B, Brianna, Kayleigh, and Madison R). The Bishop Dunn teaching experience did not go too well for me as I was running into so many technical difficulties but working with my