
Showing posts from February, 2022

Week 4

 February 14, 2022 - February 18, 2022 “Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine  should be !”  - Arthur C. Clarke Do you think the computers  will replace teachers?  I disagree that technology will replace teachers. Before Covid, digital teaching was not the primary way of educating children. Children learn best from visually viewing teacher's lessons. From experience, I also learn better in a classroom and not online. But, I do think technology should be incorporated in the classroom when learning. A teacher's job is to evaluate and guide children. This can be nearly impossible when we're all not in the classroom. Conceptual Framework of Assessment  What discoveries did you make while reading this article? Sometimes, teachers may think they have effectively got their lesson across to their students but in reality they need more explanation. This can be told by quiz and test performance. In order to understand where students are in the learning process, there are diff

Week 3

February 7, 2022 - February 11, 2022 Food for Thought Poster Response: What comes to my mind when looking at this poster, is the difference between teachers and technology and, students and technology. In this day and age, educators are still learning how to properly use technology in classrooms, and make sure it is effective for all students. On the other hand, students have been growing up with technology and phones/computers at their fingertips, where they explore new ideas on a screen. In a traditional classroom setting, it is expected to still be able to read and write using a pen and paper. So, the teacher in this poster is expecting her students to write a paper explaining what they did this summer. The student in this poster is perfectly displaying how young children feel about technology and social media. Social media is most commonly used to update people on what is happening in one's life. Additionally, I feel like this shows how much children rely and use social media.

Week 2 - About Me

  A little bit about me... Here is my Virtual Classroom! I have designed this classroom to be simple yet welcoming. From experience, I know that I perform better academically in a less-crowded, bright, and open space. I included some lights, a motivational quote, and a bookshelf in my classroom. Also, I feel that having an American flag in my classroom is very important, especially when learning about history! On the whiteboard, there are 3 links which will lead you to different websites to learn more about who I am: My FlipGrid My Digital Me Project Major: English Dual Certification: Childhood Education + Special Education Currently, I am sophomore here at Mount Saint Mary College. I am a commuter student from Poughquag, New York.

Week 1 - Path to Learning to Teach Social Studies

First Week of Class... Throughout the first week of Social Studies Methods, we got a basic introduction to the class. As a class, we were able to understand what some of the requirements were for this course and discuss different ways we will be learning how to teach social studies in our future classrooms. Additionally, I was able to join a breakout room with my group members and get to know everyone a little bit more. Some of my group members for this class were in my Language Arts Methods class.  So, I am very happy to be working with them again! My group members are: Kayleigh, Madison, Maddie, and Brianna. Overall, I am looking forward to learning new ideas and concepts in this class to better my knowledge in social studies! I have never used blogger before. So, I am interested and will be learning along the way!  This week: January 24th, 2022 - January 28, 2022... -  Learner Profile -  Needs Assessment Survey  -  Learning Contract -  Collaborative Group Agreement  -  Consent Form