
Showing posts from April, 2022

Week 12

 Week 12 Teaching Economics  Video Reflection:          Using Skype can allow students to learn from individuals all over the world! You can't learn like this from a textbook and students become excited to learn and hear from someone new as well. Teachers are always looking for new ways to engage students in the learning process and as seen in the video, students are excited to ask questions and learn from someone's experience! I would love to have a guest speaker from somewhere in the world  speak to my students one day. 

Week 11

Week 11  Teaching Civics What qualities make you unique? What qualities make other people unique? I think a quality that makes me unique is my patience. From a young age, I learned to be patient and I grew up fast. I spent a lot of time by myself as my mom spent most of my childhood in and out of the hospital. When my mom came home from the hospital, I learned to take care of her while my dad was at work. My mom is now disabled from dealing with cancer and many surgeries, but I am beyond thankful she is still here with me today. I learned patience through cooking and giving my mom medicines. I carry this through my teaching experiences and whenever I get to work with kids. In my future classroom, I will always remember how I learned to be patient and take that with me when students need me or act inappropriately.  What can we learn from stories different than our own? Obviously, everyone comes from different background and tells different stories that makes their life different and who

My Teaching Experience - Bishop Dunn

Reflecting on my teaching experience... - Thursday, April 21, 2022 -  Group 5 My co-teachers:  Maddie Beale, Brianna Rivera, Kayleigh Maltais, Madison Reilly  

Week 9 + 10

 Week 9 + 10 Engage: My thoughts on the paintings... I have never seen these paintings before! But, I am guessing they represent important moments in history, or traditions. Such as the dinner table painting and how it is important to spend time with family. Also, the first painting where the people are admiring the man standing up, that could represent that he did something that took a lot of courage.  Explore/Elaborate:  Making History Alive Digital Chapter Report - Ch. 12 Explore:  Teaching With Primary Sources This video contains an abundance of information on how to teach with primary sources and I will definitely be bookmarking  this for my future use. I think primary sources have a lot to offer when teaching social studies to young children. Explain/Apply:   Artifact Bag Project I really enjoyed the Artifact Bag Project and I think it is a great assignment to incorporate into my future classroom. This is a great way to teach history hands-on and engaging as students will be curi

Getting Ready for My Group's Lesson - Group 5

Group 5 - Fieldwork Getting Ready to Teach My Group's Lesson   My group is getting ready to teach our lesson on Thursday, April 21st! I spent a couple of hours on Sunday, April 17th working on our slides and creating the lesson. I let my group members know and hopefully we can finalize everything soon!  Our Topic:  California Gold Rush

Group 4 Reflection - Fieldwork

Fieldwork Group 4 Reflection   Time for group 4 to teach their lesson! Most of the teachers were in person, in the classroom at Bishop Dunn. To start, the teachers introduced themselves and stated their favorite ice cream flavor. To pre-assess the students, teachers asked students questions and related back to previous lessons. I thought this was helpful because it can refresh students memory! For the group work, teachers demonstrated cooperative learning by assigning roles for each group member. Teachers also noted that they will need to pay attention to their group members so they can evaluate them at the end. I could not view the group activity, but the teachers did provide time for student presentations. I wish I was aware of the group activity topic/idea but I did enjoy seeing the students work and present! Good job group 4. 

Group 3 Reflection - Fieldwork

Fieldwork Group 3 Reflection   Time for group 3 to teach their lesson to the Bishop Dunn 4th graders! Their lesson started off with introductions about themselves and the teachers asked the students if they knew anything about their topic: The Texas Revolution. For example, asking them if they knew some vocabulary words such as, revolution. I enjoyed the teachers introductions and liked how the beginning of their lesson got the students thinking what the lesson could be about. For group work, the teachers pre-selected groups for students to complete the task with directions given, and teachers observed the groups. Group work demonstrated social skills and it seemed to have went well. While watching informational videos and listening to the teachers explain about the Texas Revolution, students were responsible to take their own notes. At the end of the lesson, students presented their work and did a great job! I enjoy seeing their work and hearing what they have to say. There were a lot

Group 2 Reflection - Fieldwork

  Fieldwork  Group 2 Reflection  Time for Group 2 to teach their lessons at Bishop Dunn! The Direct Instruction lesson started with teachers introducing themselves to the fourth graders and they each shared a fun fact about themselves. One aspect I thought was cool, was that the teachers included a call back for students to use. Teachers asked students questions about explorers to assess their knowledge with the use of chat and PearDeck. After learning about Lewis and Clark for a little bit, there was a brain break. At the end of the first lesson, there was a kahoot to test their knowledge on what they have learned. I thought that all of the teachers were very enthusiastic throughout the whole lesson and the students definitely took notice to that too! On day 2: indirect/cooperative instruction, teachers started off by re-introducing themselves. I thought that was very smart considering that students are learning online and might not have remembered every teacher candidate they were wo

Group 1 Reflection - Fieldwork

Fieldwork  Group 1 Reflection  This week was the first week of virtual fieldwork with the 4th graders at Bishop Dunn Elementary School. Group 1 taught their three lessons and as a teacher candidate, I observed through Google Meet. The first lesson was direct instruction. The teachers first addressed the students by calling them "explorers," and I think this was a good way to create excitement for the students to engage in the lesson. To introduce the topic, students watched a video and answered some questions. Early into the lesson, there was a brain break. Personally, I thought it was too early as the students did not learn much yet. So, I learned that brain breaks should take place in the middle of the lesson. Moving onto day two, the indirect/cooperative lesson. Teachers used their Google slideshow to create a review for the students and they interacted through PearDeck. PearDeck is a great tool of technology! Students were then given a time limit to complete a task. Anoth